
Who We Are

The Liyan Amiri Foundation is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit and independent foundation founded by Engineer Said Ismail Amiri, registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (#1875) and officially licensed on 19-03-2016. The foundation has laid the basic principles of its work on the pillar of "knowledge" and has come up with the slogan "Knowledge is the basis of human evolution" and has served with the purpose of "striving to raise the level of knowledge". The founder, officials, and members of the Liyan Amiri Foundation are determined to use this foundation to collaborate with scholars to improve education and training, improve the quality of knowledge acquisition, standardize schools, introduce the newest teaching methods, and to offer dozens of other training and programs that are accessible through these programs.

Foundation History

Spreading the Foundation's Helps to Districts

In 2017, the Foundation expanded its activities to Herat districts, with 25% of aid to districts and 75% to the city.

Adding public services to the Foundation's activities

In 2018, in addition to education assistance, the Foundation also started to provide welfare aid services.

Establishing the Foundation and helping the city-wide schools

The Liyan Amiri Foundation first opened its central office in Kabul province. Later, this central office moved from Kabul to Herat. Since then (from the beginning of the office transfer to Herat), until the end of 1395 (2017), the foundation has been able to donate course materials to Herat schools.

Expanding activities in different sectors

In 2019 up to 2021 the Foundation expanded its activities more and more all over educational fields.

Founder’s Message


Message from the founder and president of the Liyan Amiri Foundation

What is known as the most fundamental basis for the growth of societies and the dynamics and prosperity of societies is knowledge and wisdom. Certainly, the path of civilization and prosperity crosses the way of knowledge and thought and opens the way for change and evolution for the people.

By stepping on the ranks of knowledge and science, developed nations were able to reach their determined goals and to rely on the consciousness of change and, on the other hand, the people who did not valorize knowledge, awakening, and understanding, prosperity and excellence lagged, and instead of a pleasant breeze of peace and calm, the smoke of gunpowder and the smell of coffin came to them. The building of the new civilization of our age, rests on this very strong base.

In this world, there is only one lasting sound and that is the sound of knowledge and wisdom. Voices whose backstory is devoid of knowledge will never find anywhere in the Arab world. Understanding the importance of this precious phenomena has led us to enter this field in a systematic, independent, impartial way incorporation with the respected authorities.

We are very pleased to have been able to implement and deliver the largest and most effective programs and services to our scholars and academics since our founding.

Signing official agreements with the Ministry of Education, Literacy department, public and private Universities, Educational Institutes, Research Centers and Associations, etc., Free printing and distribution of several scientific and artistic works for poets and scholars, Construction of buildings for schools, covering of tens of thousands of poor students, donating thousands of new and standard chairs and benches for schools, supplying drinking water for district schools, assisting science center service personnel, sponsoring and co-organizing dozens of cultural - science exhibition, organizing Capacity building conferences, equipping and completing school libraries, rebuilding and refurbishing thousands of useless chairs and desks and re-donating them to schools, printing and distributing thousands of volumes of “Paik Mowafaqiat” Pamphlets, building and standardizing of school toilets, painting, and furnishing classrooms and school offices with high-quality carpets and rugs, assistance and collaboration with hundreds of students, poor college students and dozens of other programs and activities that the Liyan Amiri Foundation has dedicated to its great nation in its short time so far.

I find the achievements and other approaches that have been done and achieved and are beyond the reach of this pen to write, to the efforts, and pursuits of my dear colleagues at the Liyan Amiri Foundation central office. Undoubtedly, with all their possessions, they strive for the growth and prosperity of knowledge and thought and do not neglect any effort. We need to thank and appreciate the Excellency of the Ministry of Education and, above all, the Honorable Minister of the Ministry, who truly made us wholeheartedly support in all plans and programs of the Foundation. 

It would be unfair if we ignore the kindness of the respected Herat officials. Certainly, while paying special attention to this foundation, they have always been the supporter of the foundation's charitable works. Herat Education Directorate, the district education department and staff of the various departments of the city and district education department, as well as respected school administrators, are among those who are deserving of gratitude and appreciation.

If we have succeeded in providing services to those in need in this city and the country, its great contribution is to those who have paved the way for us to do so. With this opportunity, I would like to once again extend my gratitude to all the dear ones who have been with us, at the same time, in step, in pen, and in speech, together, in harmony, with our work at the Liyan Amiri Foundation.

 It is also worth to say, the Liyan Amiri Foundation has put in place a great and productive work and strategy for its people, which will be implemented in future, if God is willing. 

Undoubtedly, since "our destination is far and we are newcomers", we desperately need ideas, proposals, criticisms, and programs from the knowledge and ideas of all scholars and those who wish a strong, progressive and prosperous Afghanistan.

We have a strong hope of cooperation, companionship, and unanimity. We hope that we will not be left alone during this difficult path.

With respect

Engineer Said Ismail Amiri

Autumn, 2018

Our Goals

  • The main purpose of establishing this foundation is to "strive to promote knowledge". To achieve this goal and by understanding the current situation of the country, the Foundation's officials have taken the following steps as priorities
  • Collaborating with science and research centers to accelerate scientific and research affairs 
  • Launching workshops for school and university students
  • Standardizing classes of Schools and Universities
  • Publishing of the best scientific and cultural works of authors and scholars and free publication in all over Afghanistan
  • Collaborating with poor students at schools and universities to advance educational and academic affairs 
  • Serving city and districts public schools
  • Assisting and cooperating with public universities 
  • Construction of buildings, classrooms, libraries, conference rooms and sanitation services for schools
  • Introducing the latest learning and teaching methods for teachers
  • Holding capacity building seminars for teachers and school administrators

Working Area

Based on the goals and history of the Foundation's activities, all activities of the Liyan Amiri Foundation are focused on education, higher education, and knowledge development, and there are no economic and political plans in its work plan. The Liyan Amiri Foundation strives to promote knowledge.

A non-political, non-governmental and non-profit institution, while respecting all beliefs, religions, ethnicities, nationalities, and factions within the political and geographical boundaries of Afghanistan.

Any political or economic activity in the format of the Foundation shall not be accepted by any member of the Foundation if anyone violates this principle, the President of Foundation will suspend his or her duty. In this regard, the Foundation is not responsible at all.

Biography of AlHaj Sayed Masoum Amiri (RA)


In the solar year 1335, In Qalhe Shater, the current eighth district of Herat city, in the house of the esteemed and educated military mystic, Colonel Haji Saed Amir Khan, A son of good character and Sayyid, a descendant of the Prophet (PBUH), opened his eyes to the universe in a family that was known for its religiosity and value. He learned the basic religious lessons from his dear father and entered the high school of the current Sultan Ghias-ud-Din Ghori, walking in the circle of seven years. He completed his primary, secondary and high school education at the same school. In the uprising of solar date 24/12/1357, he played a worthy role and along with other Mujahideen and heroes in the field of homeland freedom, entered the field of struggle and uprising and achieved many successes in this field. At the end of solar year 1358, he was forced to leave his beloved country together with his other compatriots and settled in Torbat-e-Jam, Iran. At the same time that he was going through the hardships of the emigration difficulties, he did not ignore the grief that his compatriots were struggling with and entered the service of treating the wounded of war with the office of the Islamic Jamiat of Afghanistan living in Mashhad. During the years he served in that position, he treated thousands of patients and applied medicine to the wounds of countless wounded. He calmed the distressed people and divided half of his bread into two halves, put half on his table and donated half to an immigrant family, who had been forced to leave their home and country empty-handed and without shelter. He remained in Mashhad until the end of solar year 1364 and moved to Tehran with his family in the same year. In Tehran, he worked night and day at the central office of the Islamic Jamiat of Afghanistan in the treatment of war wounded, and at the same time was a member of the leadership of the Jamiat and a representative of immigrants in the city of Rey. From the beginning of his life, he always sought the growth and prosperity of himself and those around him and was eager to serve his nation. With the glorious voice of the freedom of the Mujahideen and at the beginning of it, he returned to his homeland and joined the ranks of the leaders of the constructive jihad. In addition to providing security for Herat province and the highways of neighboring provinces, it was thanks to his efforts that it paved the way for the prosperity, development and reconstruction of ancient Herat, which was named the bride of Afghanistan. In fact, the achievements of that period of the Herat Mujahideen are well-known in general and in particular, and the works and facilities of that golden period of Herat are visible to everyone and are undeniable. For example, only in the area of his personal responsibility in 43th group of the Herat jihadist order, where he was in charge of the political-cultural sector in the first two years of the Mujahideen victory and in charge of finance in the other two years. All those who have been acquainted with the achievements of that period and know the valuable memories of that period remember that from Herat airport to all the walls of Herat city and installing metal signs along the roads and publishing and inserting life-giving Quranic messages, prophetic teachings who introduced the reader to transcendent human values and citizenship rights; It was decorated. Likewise, his various achievements in the fields of education, sports and training for the youth were in fact regular and methodical programs that he implemented during his service. Given the security, prosperity and progress that took place during that fruitful period in the history of Herat, there is no denying the pivotal position of him and his companions. In the same way, his role in the establishment of the first industrial town of Afghanistan, the foundation of the new complex of Herat University, the establishment of the House of Jihad, the National Museum of the Jihad of the Afghan people, the creation and development of green space and the Garden of the Nation, the establishment of the Great Hall of Maulana Jalaluddin Mohammad, Provincial Administrative Complex, creating and launching electrical substations, widening and asphalting city roads and Providing public space in Herat province as a place of superior living, cannot be forgotten. This fact is fully expressed by all those who worked with him.

Then, after finishing his work in the jihadist order, he entered the field of free economic work. In this sector, too, he did valuable work, the least of which was the employment of thousands of young people who were suffering from a lack of decent work. One of the most basic works of this period of his life is the establishment of the Liyan Amiri Foundation. On the last day of the solar year 1394, he founded the Liyan Amiri Foundation in order to improve the level of knowledge. Thanks to his efforts, attention and good guidance, this foundation was able to open its way well in the society and in the fields of education, higher education, utility services, publishing books, helping needy families and covering thousands of needy students, donated many and remarkable services to their community.

In recent years, his life, although on the one hand, was accompanied by chronic diseases, but from morning to evening, he always tried to solve people's problems patiently. Finally, this glorious statue of service, sacrifice, kindness, self-sacrifice, chivalry and generosity rushed to meet his beloved God with a world of sacrifice and a world of generosity and self-sacrifice on Monday night, the third of Qus 1399. May his soul be happy and may his memory always be dear and cherished.