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Signing an official agreement with Ministry of Education and Literacy Department

Engineer Saed Ismail Amiri, Chairman and Founder of the Liyan Amiri Foundation, signed a formal agreement with Dr. Mohammad Mirwais Balkhi, Minister of Education and Dr. Sardar Mohammad Rahimi, Literacy Deputy Minister of Education.

At a ceremony held at the Ministry of Education, Dr. Mohammad Mirwais  Balkhi thanked the Liyan Amiri Foundation for its valuable contributions to education in the country and considered it one of the most active charitable foundations in Afghanistan.

The Honorable Deputy literacy of the Education Ministry, expressed their gratitude for the useful and timely assistance provided by the Liyan Amiri Foundation and wished them all the best and continued assistance. In his remarks, Engineer Saed Ismail Amiri introduced Liyan Amiri Foundation as "an attempt to raise the level of knowledge" and promised to serve in the education sector to his beloved country with all his attempts.

It is worth noting that this agreement has been concluded to further education and cover parts of the literacy programs. Based on this agreement, the Liyan Amiri Foundation has expanded its field of education into various literacy departments and has worked as a partner with the Ministry of Education in eliminating the illiteracy in the country. Helping in Effective implementation of literacy programs and other areas where cooperation and assistance are needed is crucial. The mentioned ceremony ended with the signing of an agreement between the Liyan Amiri Foundation and the Ministry of Education of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Date: 2018/11/4

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